御座船 NIGHT CRUISE in 岡山 Club Camnet presents
次回はぜひあなたも !
Thank you very much for participating in “GOZABUNE Night Cruise in Okayama.”
A few years ago, we were trying to come up with something to cheer up people who could not go home to their countries due to 9-11. “Night Cruise in Okayama” was an idea of student staff members at our Monthly Camnet magazine. In December of the same year, we held our “First Night Cruise in Okayama” on the boat that departed Shin-Okayama Port. We had over 250 people participating in the Cruise and had big success in gathering people from different nations together.
We hold this “Night Cruise in Okayama” to bring together people from different countries and those from Okayama. There are many people. There are many people from different countries living in Okayama who are, however, unable to find opportunities to meet with the locals. We would be very happy if we could help you get to know different cultures and languages by bringing together all of you.
Please come and join us !
ちきゅうを元気におかやまをもりあげよう実行委員会(club camnet)
Healthy Earth and Go! Okayama Committee (Club Camnet)
委員長 平松 将史
The Chair: Masashi Hiramatsu

Club Camnet
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